Day 22: Thank You!

Wow! It is Friday, January 16, 2015 and the boys are three weeks old today. Today is special not only because they are three weeks old but also because Travis has had his feeding tube removed and we can see all of his beautiful face today! He had his ‘circ’ done this morning and did very well, but was very irritable shortly afterward until he was given some Tylenol. Thankfully, this comforted him and allowed him to rest, but only after dad got some pictures of him and his brother. Since he was fussy, we cut the attempt short.

As of now, it looks that if the boys continue along the path that they are on, without any added surprises or concerns, we will be able to see them come home early next week. This we are praying towards while we wait and see. Trenton is on day 2 of 5 without any serious ‘episodes’ of dropped vitals and Travis is trying to prove to us now that he can drink enough to consistently show some weight gain. It appeared recently that Trenton would be going home a considerable amount of time before his brother Travis, but amazingly they are becoming more and more likely to be released within a day or so of each other, if not the same day. Regardless of how this all plays out, we are so grateful for their wonderful progress up to this point. We are looking forward to bringing home these healthy, handsome little boys.

I thank God that as the weeks have gone by, instead of becoming more discouraged, I have found it easier to find so many reasons to be grateful along the way. Among those reasons are just how much we have grown and learned as parents in this time without the full pressure of our children’s total dependency on us who still know so little. Under other circumstances, we would have been forced to learn under these heavy pressures, but not only do we have great expert help, we are able to observe and receive counsel from them day in and day out. And to add, we are seeing our children through each stage to current and learning their behaviors and how to attend and best care for them. When they finally come home, we will feel so much more comfortable taking the reigns than if we were all home a few days after they arrived. Now would we have chosen to be home earlier? You bet! But since another lot has been given to us, this is a true positive to be found here where we are. We recently talked about how perspective is key in this time. For instance, it would be easy to feel that the twins are not as accustomed to us as they ought to be, because we never feel we are there with them enough. But in truth, we are the only consistent faces they know. Every day, those nurses who care for them in the hospital change twice daily but mom and dad are there to feed and change and hold them – they can count on that. It may not seem like it sometimes, but we are the most familiar faces and voices that they know and that should be some comfort to us.

Not least, I have been reading the comments on this site, along with on social media and email and they have been so encouraging to us. Whether a kind word or blessing or even the jokes, it means so much to have you on this journey with us. Both joys and difficulties are the ‘stuff of life’ and we appreciate the opportunity to share our life and to be able to share in some of your lives as well. It’s in the depth of life’s experiences where we truly live and it’s a privilege to know that so many genuinely care and share with us your thoughts. Even for those who have not said a word but have wished us well or prayed for us – THANK YOU!!!!!!

Again I say, thank you!

The Hill Family 4

3 thoughts on “Day 22: Thank You!

  1. Troy and Janaya, I Praise God for His Love and Grace that is teaching and growing you along in this process. God knows what He is doing! He Knows the paths that we take. Isaiah 42:16; Love you guys and those two little blessings that God has given you and us! Can’t wait to get to know them!♡♡


  2. I have so enjoyed to read and keep up with the progress of my great nephews. They are simply beautiful and I’m thankful to God as well for mapping out the path that you should go, you both will be the best parents ever, I’m convinced of that!!! Love you all, (4 Hills)….Aunt Pam


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